I am a Dance & Body empowerment coach 

I am here to connect you to your unique essence 

Through my ladies dance classes (The Ginga Goddess Series  and my  1 on 1 coaching you feel:

Empowered in your body 

Deeply in love with yourself 

Connected to your unique essence 

In your power 

Radiating your light out to the world

I helps women reconnect to their feminine, their power and radiance. To feel their most sexy and confident selves.

 Creating a juicy, bold and fully expressed life. Living the life of your dreams, that is authentic and honours you.

 As a dance instructor I bring in afro and sensual movement to my coaching work. Creating a deep transformative experience. The space to reconnect, be present and love your body.

Common things I work on with clients :

✨Creating your dream life

✨Be the most confident and sexy you ever!

✨Create a thriving, fun , empowered dating life

✨Power up your mindset 

✨Reconnecting to your feminine essence

✨Radical self love & acceptance

✨Stepping into your power

✨Unlocking your passions and creativity

✨Rewrite negative beliefs & stories 

✨Live an authentic life that honours you

✨Feel vibrant & sexy inside & out

✨Creating a fun, thriving & empowered dating

✨Finding a new career path or starting a side hustle.

“Since working with Hannah I am much more aware of my thoughts & feelings. I have better routines and incredible new tools. I am now more focused, feel calmer,  more optimistic and feel much less anxious. I truly feel like I’ve got this!

I am now feeling so excited I get to live my life in a more intentional and joyful way. Friends and family have noticed a huge shift. They love that I have managed to overcome the anxiety that was beginning to feature heavily in my life. I have shifted stuff I’ve not been able to shift for my whole life!  I show up in their lives as a more confident, joyful, calm and in-control version of myself. 

I truly appreciate the energy and effort Hannah put into coaching me through one of the most important transitional phases of my life.“



Are you feeling stuck? Ready to take things to the next level? Ready to love yourself more? Ready to create a stronger, more positive mindset? Are you kinda sick and tired of your own bullshit? 

Are you craving expansion, growth, more self love and calm, connection to yourself, tapping into your feminine essence, living authentically and living a life that honours you, your gifts and your values?

Are you craving self expression, a dating life that feels fun and exciting, a stronger and more self loving mindset and a daily routine that nourishes and uplifts you?

My coaching series includes…. 

⚡️6 x 60 minute 1 on 1 coaching sessions over 12 weeks via Zoom

⚡️Ongoing support throughout our time together via email & Whatsapp

⚡️ Mindset support, self love tools, worksheets, accountability check-ins and powerful questioning. 

It’s time to choose you and invest in yourself, QUEEN!! It's the best investment we can ever make.



2 or 3 part payment plans available

It’s time to choose you and invest in yourself, QUEEN!! It's the best investment we can ever make

Feeling curious? Email me today to set up your Complimentary Consult Call (Obligation Free) where we chat more about your feminine needs, your dreams & desires and how I can best support you forward in your journey.