Hun I’m 54 years old & never bared my tummy in public. I went to yoga today like this.
Thank you for your support & encouragement. It has meant the world & more!
— Body boom group

I help women in their 30s and 40s transform Body Gloom into BODY BOOM! Helping women burn the Spanx, shed self-hate, and embrace their wildly sexy selves! 🔥 We're waving goodbye to self-doubt and saying hello to unapologetic confidence!

I spent far too long—over a decade—hating my body! I punished myself at the gym 6-7 days a week, restricted my calories, and was addicted to the scale. I would beat myself up for not being a size 8 and cry in the mirror when I saw my big thighs.

Now, I’m sharing how I transformed my relationship with my body. Every day, I prioritize honoring my vessel and moving it with LOVE. I truly embody the belief that this body is mine and my sanctuary. When I look at my legs now, I see strength and power. They support me in everything I love, from dancing to cycling to teaching spin classes.

And I want this for you too!

It’s time to stop wasting energy in a war with your body! No more waiting for an ideal body; it’s about loving the body you have now. That’s why, through my journey with Mindset, Meditation, and Movement, I’ve reclaimed my relationship with my body❤️‍ and I’m here to help you do the same, darling!

Our 3 month online coaching program kicks off 6th August. fortnightly Zoom parties on zoom 6:30pm Perth time

Post-course, you will:

  • Feel confident, radiant, energized, unapologetic, whole, and bright.

  • Do what makes YOU happy—what makes your mind, body, and soul sing. Experience inner harmony, feeling aligned, balanced, and energized.

  • Wear whatever makes you feel happy, powerful, fabulous, sexy, and confident. Whether it’s a red dress, Spanx-free outfit, mini skirt, or bikini, you’ll rock it with pride.

  • Move, work out, walk, and dance, feeling present and excited to be in your vessel. Reclaim your body, trust its wisdom, and follow your intuition.

  • Take proud selfies in the mirror, maybe even a saucy photo to send to a lover. Capture outfits with pride and feel yourself, honey!

  • Notice people around you commenting on how confident you look.

  • Feel free and authentic.

  • Hold and touch your body with tenderness, care, and oh so much love.

  • Look in the mirror without fear or sadness.

  • Love the skin you’re in, feeling embodied and present as you move through your day.

  • Feel connected to your unique essence.

  • Feel ready to be seen by yourself, the world, and in your relationships and communities.

  • Stop presenting a watered-down or lukewarm version of yourself to the world

The Program 

6 power-packed group coaching sessions fortnightly sessions  (sessions are 60 minutes - 90 minutes)

Ongoing group chat for support, connection and community

4 Transformative tappings 

4 Mediations experience 

Mindset exercises and journaling prompts

1 on 1 check ins 

Curated playlists to anchor you into your power and your SEXY! 

Mirror work and Visualization experiences

Empowering body drop-ins 

VIP Upgrade

The entire program 


Weekly 1 on 1 check in’s and support 

3 x 1 on 1 hour private coaching sessions 

Get ready to be your most hottest confident self🔥🔥

3 month online coaching program starts 6th August. fortnightly Zoom calls at 6:30pm Perth time

"The most magical shift taking place with the Body Boom course is the shift in my mind. I'm honouring my body with love through my words and actions, the way l nourish it and allow it to move or rest - whatever it feels it needs. I'm loving this shift towards to more positive and healthy relationship with my body from this amazing course and the support from Hannah and all the ladies in the group" Laura - Body Boom

Imagine this……

You walk into a room and heads turn, not just because you look incredible, but because you radiate confidence. You are glowing from within, connected to your body and your essence. ❤️✨ Your husband looks at you and says, "Damn, you look good!"

And you think, "Yeah, I do!"

When we take the time to work on ourselves, our mindset, and connect and heal our relationship with our body, BIG things happen! 🔥💥🚀 We don’t just love our bodies. We gain a sense of strong self-worth ❤️‍🔥

When you have stronger self-worth and confidence, everything changes:
🌶️ You take less shit at work - even ask for that pay rise.
⚡️ Your relationships improve - friendship, family, and romantic ones.
🌹 You speak your desires unapologetically.
🌶️ You go for the bikini and not the black one-piece.
🍦 You boldly ask for what you want.

During our sessions, you’ll feel present and excited in your own skin. You’ll trust your body’s wisdom and intuition, snapping proud selfies and strutting your stuff with unapologetic confidence. People will notice the change—you’ll feel free, authentic, and deeply connected to your unique essence.

Do you find yourself saying, ‘When I have a skinnier body, then I’ll be happy’? 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • When I have that size 8 body, THEN I’ll wear that red bikini.

  • Then I’ll seduce my partner with a sexy selfie❤️‍🔥

  • THEN I’ll be more confident and show off my curves.

  • THEN I’ll rock that SEXYYY mini dress💃🏽

I used to think that too, for the longest time. It was a story that repeated in my head ALL THE TIME... but the thing is, it’s not your body that’s the problem! It’s how you SEE your body!

No matter how many hours I spent at the gym, it wasn’t until I started changing my inner world that I began to see results in my outer world. It wasn’t until I used meditation, mindset, and intentional movement that I began to see the woman who could rock that SEXYYY red dress. Now, in my 30s, I finally wear a mini dress.

That’s why I help my clients wear the red dress now, choose the bikini for their holiday—not when they have THAT body, but with the body they have NOW. ❤️‍🔥💃🏽

Stop waiting to be happy for some dream size 8 body based on media beauty standards. Feel sexy and confident enough to put on that red dress today!

MORE on my signature 3 M method

If you think wearing Spanx, eating less, or just repeating affirmations is the secret to loving your body, let me blow your mind...

You need to embrace these three key elements—Movement, Mindset, and Meditation (MMM)—to truly live life on your own terms and love that beautiful body of yours! These pillars will transform your relationship with your body, taking you from feeling tired, stuck, and resentful to feeling sexy, wildly confident, bold, and authentic.


Because we’ve got to change that stinking thinking! All those negative and intrusive thoughts, along with the old stories and limiting beliefs we've learned from our families, the media, and our childhood, need to go. Shifting your mindset is essential to breaking free from these mental chains. By cultivating a positive and empowering mindset, you’ll start to see yourself in a new light. You’ll rewrite your inner narrative, embracing self-love, confidence, and an unstoppable belief in your worth.


  • Break free from negative thought patterns and self-doubt.

  • Develop a strong, positive self-image and unwavering confidence.

  • Empower yourself to tackle challenges with resilience and optimism.

  • Create a mindset that supports and nurtures your personal growth and happiness.


Ah, because movement is life! Seriously, movement is one of the best ways to LOVE your body. Trust me, it’s literally saved my life more than once. Movement has pulled me out of the darkest spaces, serving as a powerful tool to transmute my pain and provide an expressive outlet. It’s rewritten the narratives I once believed, transforming "too bad" into "so good" and "bad at cardio" into "cardio spin queen." It’s about finding movement you and your body love!


  • Boost your physical and mental health, increasing your energy levels.

  • Enhance your mood and reduce stress through the release of endorphins.

  • Strengthen your body, improving fitness and 

  • Cultivate a deeper appreciation and love for your body as you move with joy and purpose.


We reprogram, heal, and learn to be present through meditation. It helps us navigate and quiet our busy minds, giving us the space to actually listen to our bodies and the wisdom they hold. Meditation allows us to fully be ourselves and be present! Presence with your body is crucial to healing your relationship with it.


  • Develop a deep sense of inner peace and calm, reducing anxiety and stress.

  • Enhance self-awareness and mindfulness, fostering a stronger connection with your body.

  • Heal emotional wounds and release past traumas, promoting holistic well-being.

  • Cultivate a sense of presence and appreciation for your body in the here and now.

By embracing Movement, Mindset, and Meditation, you’ll embark on a transformative journey that empowers you to love and celebrate your body every single day. Let’s blow up those old narratives and embrace a life where you feel sexy, confident, and unapologetically yourself!

“Thank you so much Hannah. You may not realize this, but you have always pushed me to challenge myself and step into my next best version! Am grateful to be here” - Harni