Have more energy 🌟

Honour the season you’re in

If it's the season to go!! Make it happen, work, plan, create and birth new visions into the world. Maybe it's the season of being social, traveling, blooming and being in flow. Or is the time to rest, restore and receive. Honour it!! Enjoy the season you are in. Don’t compare the season you're in, to someone else's season. Especially on social media!We are all on our own journey, trust in yours.

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My transformative and essential self care tips

Here are my tips that are transformative, essential and lay a beautiful strong foundation for deeper self care and self love.

💫Love, accept and honour yourself
Every day!! Say it, embody it.
Give yourself compassion and grace

💫Treat yourself like your are the love of your life

💫Daily rituals - journaling, movement, mediation, tapping, breath work, time in nature

💫Feel your feeling
What we resist persists and feelings are meant to move through us.

💫Take responsibility for your side of the street
Just focus on your front lawn, tending to your own garden.
Worry less about the whole stress and comparison

💫Move your body
Movement is truly medicine. It’s key to keeping us happy and healthy. It elevates our mood and releases all those delicious happy chemicals, and really helps us to combat stress. It also helps us get out of head and connects us to our feminine essence.

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So much more than a photoshoot!

Whenever I do a photoshoot I always set an intention. This helps me reach higher, connect to myself and the experience in a deeper way. I visualize the shoot. Visualize how I want to feel on the day. How I want the images to feel. The message I want them to embody and convey.

For my photoshoot last year I wanted to just be, not to perform, not be rigid, not be anything else but me. Authentically beautiful and raw. I wanted to show a softer side of myself, something more organic. Capturing this new side of myself I was discovering and embracing in 2020.

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Confidence baby

So how do we amplify our confidence?

We must explore and reflect on when we notice our confidence appear. When we truly feel it!

Take note of what you're doing? Who are you with? What are you wearing? When you feel the most confident. When are moments you have had your own back and trusted yourself the most? That is true confidence and where the power lies.

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All about that Ginga

And just like that Kizomba freed me, It liberated me. Through Kizomba I started to heal my relationship with my body. I also found when I moved in this way with Ginga I felt freedom. My body was born to move and express in this way. It felt like coming home, coming home to my body and coming home to myself. Something I was longing for and craving deep down. My journey to love and accept my body is something I work on and it constantly evolves and changes . But Kizomba was the catalyst, the start of making peace with my body, to see it as my home and start loving it, appreciating it.

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Creativity during COVID-19

During this time as creatives we have the opportunity to look at our work differently. To let the work heal us, sooth us, unravel us and maybe let go and step back from unloved projects and ideas.

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Hannah Melder