Creativity during COVID-19

My current thoughts on creativity during these times…

Like many of you I have had lots of time to think, re-evaluate and reflect. I have been pondering what it’s like for me to be a creative right now, so I would like to share my current thoughts on creativity during these times.

What a liberating time to be creative.

We have more space, time and freedom to create. We can be more innovative than ever.

For me, I am feeling braver with my creativity right now. I can release the judgments I place on myself of getting it done, putting it out there, working at a fast pace and hustling. I can create projects without deadlines​.

If the money was off the table (which now it kinda is) would you still be doing that project, be in love with the vision or the idea, taking it to the next level? This is how we can uncover what we really love and if we really are connected to a creative idea. ​ This concept was being discussed on one of my favorite podcasts by Jay Shetty, and it's how Alicia Keys chooses her projects - she asks herself that question.

These times are uncertain, scary, unknown. For me, I am choosing to focus on and build up positivity. Pushing myself, to change my outlook and perspective.Taking time to feel liberated and empowered by creativity, ​ and not worry about the financial risks – everything is risky financially at the moment.

During this time as creatives we have the opportunity to look at our work differently. To let the work heal us, sooth us, unravel us and maybe let go and step back from unloved projects and ideas. 

~ Words, Hannah Melder ~

FB & Instagram ~ @hannahmelderdancer

Hannah Melder