Posts tagged dance
So much more than a photoshoot!

Whenever I do a photoshoot I always set an intention. This helps me reach higher, connect to myself and the experience in a deeper way. I visualize the shoot. Visualize how I want to feel on the day. How I want the images to feel. The message I want them to embody and convey.

For my photoshoot last year I wanted to just be, not to perform, not be rigid, not be anything else but me. Authentically beautiful and raw. I wanted to show a softer side of myself, something more organic. Capturing this new side of myself I was discovering and embracing in 2020.

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All about that Ginga

And just like that Kizomba freed me, It liberated me. Through Kizomba I started to heal my relationship with my body. I also found when I moved in this way with Ginga I felt freedom. My body was born to move and express in this way. It felt like coming home, coming home to my body and coming home to myself. Something I was longing for and craving deep down. My journey to love and accept my body is something I work on and it constantly evolves and changes . But Kizomba was the catalyst, the start of making peace with my body, to see it as my home and start loving it, appreciating it.

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