So much more than a photoshoot!

In the last year I have done 3 incredible and empowering photoshoot experiences with 2 powerhouse female photographers.

Whenever I do a photoshoot I always set an intention. This helps me reach higher, connect to myself and the experience in a deeper way. I visualize the shoot. Visualize how I want to feel on the day. How I want the images to feel. The message I want them to embody and convey.   

For my photoshoot last year I wanted to just be, not to perform,  not be rigid, not be anything else but me. Authentically beautiful and raw. I wanted to show a softer side of myself, something more organic. Capturing this new side of myself I was discovering and embracing in 2020. Then recently I had the magical opportunity to be the muse for Jasmines underwater photography. Underwater, time moved slow and I felt this new kind of flow that only water can give you.  

For my most recent photoshoot I wanted the photos to feel vibrant and fun. To capture the new direction I'm moving in and expanding into both personally and with business. I wanted to show up as my future self and my intention was to show up as her. To be the woman of my dreams. The woman who is leading and teaching and serving hundreds of women.The woman is honouring herself and at her edge.The woman who is leaving a legacy of empowerment and inspiration. To show up as the successful coach and business woman who is in love with herself and totally in love with life. To be my own fantasy. Feels I'm really feeling this year and the expansion of my vision for my life. 

Ladies wanna feel empowered, give yourself the gift of a photoshoot. I promise you won't regret it. It’s a moment in time you will always remember. A time you expressed yourself and showed up for you. 

I am so thrilled for this round of the Ginga Goddess Series. I have offered the opportunity for my students to shoot with Jasmine as an added empowerment bonus. Deepening the experience of the Ginga Goddess video project. A moment in time where they remember their dance journey and the beautiful transformation.