Posts tagged self care
My transformative and essential self care tips

Here are my tips that are transformative, essential and lay a beautiful strong foundation for deeper self care and self love.

💫Love, accept and honour yourself
Every day!! Say it, embody it.
Give yourself compassion and grace

💫Treat yourself like your are the love of your life

💫Daily rituals - journaling, movement, mediation, tapping, breath work, time in nature

💫Feel your feeling
What we resist persists and feelings are meant to move through us.

💫Take responsibility for your side of the street
Just focus on your front lawn, tending to your own garden.
Worry less about the whole stress and comparison

💫Move your body
Movement is truly medicine. It’s key to keeping us happy and healthy. It elevates our mood and releases all those delicious happy chemicals, and really helps us to combat stress. It also helps us get out of head and connects us to our feminine essence.

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