My transformative and essential self care tips

Self care isn’t just a trend to follow. It's not just having baths, face masks, or buying yourself flowers. Although these are lovely and beautiful things to practice for sure.

I have been under the weather recently & reflecting on self care. How much I love it, how it's a daily priority for me. How I love all of my beautiful little practices. Self care keeps me nourished, aligned, loving, fueled and on my path.

Here are my tips that are transformative, essential and lay a beautiful strong foundation for deeper self care and self love.

💫Love, accept and honour yourself 

Every day!! Say it, embody it. 

Give yourself compassion and grace 

💫Treat yourself like your are the love of your life

💫Daily rituals - journaling, movement, mediation, tapping, breath work, time in nature 

💫Feel your feelings

What we resist persists and feelings are meant to move through us.   

💫Take responsibility for your side of the street

Just focus on your front lawn, tending to your own garden. 

Worry less about the whole stress and comparison 

💫Move your body 

Movement is truly medicine. It’s key to keeping us happy and healthy. It elevates our mood and releases all those delicious happy chemicals, and really helps us to combat stress. It also helps us get out of head and connects us to our feminine essence. 

Tell me what your favorite self care practice?

Part 2 coming soon

My radical/ essential/ foundational tips for self care Part 2:  

💫Celebrate everything!! 

Have a weekly or even daily practice. Write them down, create a celebration jar. Or why not even have a celebration practice and share them with a friend. 

💫Do the work!

And also learn when to rest, to implement and practice your lessons and wisdom. Don’t just be obsessed with self development without implementation. 

💫Treat your body like your dream home 

A home full of love. Love, adore it, take care of it. Look and care for your body as a beautiful blessing and sanctuary.

💫Surround yourself with people who lift you up, give you energy, inspire you, celebrate you and support you. Avoid the ones who drain your energy, bring you down or blow out your candles. 

💫Learn to rest and receive

Speeds up your manifestations. Asking for help is beautiful and people love to do it. Rest is productive. Rest is essential.