Have more energy 🌟

Craving more energy 🍯? 

Here are my top hot tips for more energy 🔥🌟💌

Honour the season you’re in  

If it's the season to go!! Make it happen, work, plan, create and birth new visions into the world. Maybe it's the season of being social, travelling, blooming and being in flow. Or is the time to rest, restore and receive. 

Honour it!! Enjoy the season you are in. 

Don’t compare the season you're in, to someone else's season. Especially on social media! 

We are all on our own journey, trust in yours. 

Move your body!! 

Move your body and change your mind (one of my favourite sayings).

By moving our body we truly have power to change our mind.

Elevate your vibration through movement. 

Moving our body really unlocks our magic, our radiance, our power



A clear space is a clear mind. Clear that space, declutter, throw out the old. Our space, our home truly impacts our energy. What can you clear out?

Stop saying this word!

Remove the word  “should” from your vocabulary. 

All this “shoulding'' is a major drainer.

First ask “why do I feel I should do that?”

Then replace it with “if I really wanted to I could”

This will clear so much guilt and shame, giving you so much more mental energy and happiness.


Let go 

Don’t spend your energy, your thoughts and time on things that drain you. That takes up too much space, mental capacity or kills your joy. 

Hanging out, do spend time with things that feel good, things and people that lift you up. 

This truly gives us so much more energy!

Listen to your body 

Rest, sunshine, nature, sensuality, quiet, nurturing, nourishment, sleep, creativity, expression. 

What is your body craving? Take time, get still, listen. Hear your inner wisdom.

Say No! 

To the things that just don’t feel good. The things that don’t feel right.

Short term unhappiness and pain is always better than long term suffering.

Saying no is a full sentence and feels truly liberating. Trust me!

Say Yes!

Maybe saying Yes more to friends you love, that feel aligned. Maybe it's trying a new class or experience. One that gets you out of your comfort zone. This is what makes us feel truly alive. It’s time to try that art class, buy roller skates, try boxing, download that dating app or even book the getaway. 

What are you dying to say Yes too? That thing that might even scare you? 

Yes to that thing! 

GO for it! This is your sign honey.


We are basically house plants with emotions. So get that sunlight and water yourself. Nature and the sun are so healing. The most beautiful natural energy boost.  

My last tip is stop telling yourself the boring, old, repetitive story that you have no energy!! 

When you constantly say this out loud, you are speaking it into existence. 

Often when I'm tired I will say to myself……

“I have so much more to give” 

“I am filled with energy”

This truly does give me more energy, more steam and power in the moment.

Of course REST when you need it! This is really key! It is getting to know yourself, listening to yourself and your inner knowing. It's also about being mindful of language. What we say, what we think we become. 

Tell me in the comments what tip are you going to try this week