Posts tagged Confidence
Have more energy 🌟

Honour the season you’re in

If it's the season to go!! Make it happen, work, plan, create and birth new visions into the world. Maybe it's the season of being social, traveling, blooming and being in flow. Or is the time to rest, restore and receive. Honour it!! Enjoy the season you are in. Don’t compare the season you're in, to someone else's season. Especially on social media!We are all on our own journey, trust in yours.

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Confidence baby

So how do we amplify our confidence?

We must explore and reflect on when we notice our confidence appear. When we truly feel it!

Take note of what you're doing? Who are you with? What are you wearing? When you feel the most confident. When are moments you have had your own back and trusted yourself the most? That is true confidence and where the power lies.

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