The 2021 HOT list!!

Self loathing is totally over. Negative self talk is cancelled.  We are finished downplaying and hiding our magic and gifts. Squishing ourselves to make ourselves small or fit into a box is totally over.  

We are leaving this 💩 in the dust.  

This isn’t cool anymore! There is a new way forward for you Queen!

Wanna know what’s cool? What’s really, really cool? 

What's really hot? 

Loving yourself unconditionally 

Showing up authenticity to all spaces

Asking for what you want

Being your own cheerleader and biggest fan 

Moving your body with love rather than from punishment 

Caring for yourself and filling up your cup 1st 

Giving from an over following cup 

Taking yourself on dates  

Speaking your truth 

Expressing your needs and desires

Prioritising fun and pleasure  

Dating up, dating people who inspire you and who are enthusiastic about you 

Self awareness is sexy AF

Asking for help is courageous and brave (P.s people loved being asked)

It’s calling yourself out on your own bullshit 

Take ownership of your life

Accepting all of you 

Opening your hearts captivity to give and receive

That's hot! That's delicious!

We are here to expand. Here to be our truest , most beautiful expression. To share our gifts with the world.  That's what's cool and that's what the world needs and is soooo Hot! When living from that place you also invite others to do the same. You liberate and free them just by being you and being true to yourself. 

I love being cool 😎!! living in this new way it feels so juicy and delicious. It is something I am deeply committed to.  Nothing gives me more joy than working on this with women through my dancing and coaching work. The new cool way of being. Loving ourselves first and living from that space. This is where the true beauty and magic of life lives. Every time we give ourselves permission to be seen, heard, known, we free ourselves and connect back to our true selves. And isn’t that what life is all about.